Whither wrong?
Let us first get into our heads, that there is something called as right and wrong. I do not think there will be much of an argument on that! Second, in a family of two, comprising of a man and his wife, there are thousands (at least, hundreds) of things that the man considers right is considered wrong by the wife. Yes or no? I am sure you will nod in acceptance here too! Third, when it comes to the extended family, comprising of your children, siblings, parents, in-laws and the rest of this circle of people, tell me how many rights and wrongs exist between all of us. Don't you think that there are thousands and laks of points that you consider right is considered wrong by others. Check the society! This huge mass of people in a city and then in a state of India and India as a country and as a part of this entire world, full of human beings devoured by their own thoughts and perceptions. Thoughts that are not accepted by one another is quite common. Leaders like Ga...